Monday, May 31, 2010

Marine world day trip!

Monday we took a group of the happys kids to the marine world. They had a great time!
Its funny, iv been going to the school for 4 months now and there are some students which aren’t really bothered about you being there. Which is fair enough. There are a few which sit in groups on their beds braiding each other’s hair and don’t really want a conversation when I try and start one and they don’t get involved with the activities we organize. There is one girl who is extremely independent and very loud and abrupt. Months ago she wasn’t bothered about talking to me. But slowly as she could see I was sticking around she began to slowly become interested, she would peer over my shoulder if I were showing someone some pictures, or stick her head in the classroom if I was talking to her friends. Then last month she partook in one of the craft activities. The kids at the school LOVE photos. Like you wouldn’t believe, they beg you to take photos of them and print it out. On a couple of occasions iv printed one out of her and given it to her. She nods and walks away. She doesn’t smile much. But the marine world opened up a whole new level. It was as if they finally saw that we cared and that they cant ignore us any longer because we are sticking around for them! The ones that sat on their bed braiding hair not wanting a conversation suddenly were coming up saying hi. Thulinsiwe, the very independent girl would not leave me alone all day! She was right behind me the whole day. Whenever there was an opportunity to rest she would always rest her elbow on my shoulder (she is unable to straighten her arm, I guess it must get quite tiring for her). But it was just so good to have gained more friends from the school that day. It was as if all barriers had been dropped! They were so full of thanks for taking them out for the day.

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